Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Why I Chose The Feminist Lens by Madison Schmidt

By looking at Beloved through a feminist lens, I will be focusing on the ways the text reinforces and/or undermines the role women play in society economically, politically, socially, and psychologically. Because reasons behind characters’ actions are very interesting to me, I was struggling while trying to decide between a psychoanalytic and feminist lens, however ultimately ended up choosing a feminist lens and am looking forward to incorporating behavioral analysis while looking through a lens of feminist criticism. What is interesting about this lens to me is being able to really look closely at the portrayal of relationships based on gender, and think about what these interactions and portrayals affect the way the author, Toni Morrison, is trying to depict the role women play in society. In this text, I expect it to be interesting to see how a female writer, Morrison, portrays female characters in the story - as well as male characters/their interactions with females - in contrast to the way a male author might. I will be specifically looking at which traits are assigned to which characters, and the relationships people from different genders form with each other.


  1. I really like your reasoning for why you chose to look through the feminist lens, especially with keeping the author in mind. I think this book will give you a lot of great context for why Sethe and the other female characters act the way they do.

  2. I like how you state the aspects you will focus on and how you speak on incorporating the lens (psychoanalytic) into the feminist lens. I feel like that will add something extra to your feminist lens and it will be extremely beneficial. Also speaking on the Author, Toni Morrison, and how she may portray the women and their interactions with men was something very thoughtful to consider. I look forward to the rest of your blog <3
